The NGF is a leading US magnetotelluric and related geophysical method research and development laboratory whose activities include sensor and instrumentation development, advanced geophysical data processing and forward and inverse modeling development including joint multiphysics methods, geophysical field operations, and collaborative research projects with colleagues and institutions around the world, often making use of our unique capabilities in instrumentation, algorithms, and cutting edge GPU-accelerated cyberinfrastructure.

The NGF electromagnetic geophysics instruments: The NGF welcomes collaborative projects throughout North America and around the world. Please contact to inquire about potential collaborations. The NGF is currently managing 89 long-period, wideband and ultra wideband instruments that are available for such projects. These form the following instrument groups:

Wideband Instruments: The NGF operates 13 wideband and 7 radio frequency EM geophysics data acquisition systems, the ZEN Rx6 systems co-developed by Zonge International, Inc. and Oregon State University under NSF Major Research Instrumentation funding. Please see the description of the Zonge Zen Rx6 system, found through the "NGF Request/Info" links to the left. The NGF also operates 30 ANT/6, 27 ANT/7, 18 ANT/4 and a number of ANT2/2M induction coil magnetic field sensors as well as 10 LEMI 031 long-period fluxgate magnetometers that are designed to operate with the ZEN Rx6 receivers. A set of 12 OSU-designed and fabricated induction coil clamping systems are available that can be used to adapt the induction coils for subaerial deployment (for zero ground disturbance MT installations, where required).

Next Generation Hybrid Ultra-Wideband Instruments: The NGF has recently introduced the first 24 DART hybrid long-period/wideband MT instruments. The DART systems are an integrated 9-channel, 32-bit digitizer per channel, data acquisition system and precision triaxial fluxgate magnetometer installed in a short, small diameter tube designed for rapid deployment in augered holes in the ground. To extend beyond long-periods, the DART systems can also accommodate three external induction coil sensors, providing a true ultra-wideband platform. DARTs are also telemetry enabled using the IoMT(tm) (Internet of MT) Cloud, with LTE or Starlink telemetry.

General Purpose Long-Period MT Instrument Pool: The NGF operates 52 1-Hz sample rate Narod Geophysics NIMS MT instruments. A subset of our NIMS are now equipped with real-time LTE telemetry to the IoMT(tm) (Internet of MT) Cloud. We also have a SpaceX Starlink Mini terminal that can also serve as a telemetry hub for areas not covered by LTE service.

We also have one LEMI 417 long period MT instrument available. The NIMS instruments have been upgraded with state-of-the-art GNSS receivers capable of receiving location and timing information from all of the existing and developing global positioning satellite constellations, and with a new data logging system.

Other equipment: The NGF also can provide field support equipment (field computers, software), Pb-PbCl2 gel-style OSU Series-4 electrodes (OSU Series-5 solid state Ag-AgCl electrodes are currently being developed), and we also have some commercially produced Borin Stelth 4 Ag-AgCl2 electrodes - please check back with the NGF if you require Ag-AgCl electrodes), and other equipment you might need to conduct your experiment/survey. Oregon State University also has capabilities in marine magnetotellurics and controlled source electromagnetics, as well as ocean bottom seismic instrumentation. Please contact the NGF if your requirements extend beyond the shoreline.

Education and Technical Assistance. Training in the use of the NGF equipment is available, either at Oregon State University, or at your institution or field location. Field technical support is also available to assist you in your project, as required.

NSF Support. The NGF was established under the support of National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation Grant No. 0960342. Funding for this award was made possible by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. NGF capabilities have grown organically since then through a variety of funding mechanisms including support from NASA, US Dept. of Energy, and USGS.